Appreciate A Black Man Day


Few weeks ago, I was fumbling around on Twitter like I usually do when I have downtime and decided to highlight a couple of black dudes on my page. I hashtagged a couple photos #AppreciateABlackManDay and quite a few people seemed to enjoy the idea of my tag. I decided to make it a weekly event and have been posting Black men of every facet of life on MMR’s twitter every Wednesday since. My camera roll reads like a creepy internet stalker because I’m constantly on the lookout for black men to appreciate. We take time out every week to highlight regular, everyday men, celebrities and every dude in between.

I wasn’t really setting out to make any statements… I was simply responding to a tweet…



Then I just started thinking about Black Men…




I got a little carried away thinking about how amazing they are…





And then people were into it!




So, I thought it should be a weekly thing… and here we are… #AppreciateABlackManDay

Join us on…

Twitter @MyMelRocks_Mag

Instagram @MyMelaninRocks

Facebook MyMelaninRocks

every Wednesday.

If you have a man you want to show love to.. send his name, photos (4 or less) and what you appreciate about him to [email protected] … or DM us

Don’t forget to check the site every month where we will feature our Black Man of the Month…

Much Love